por ramin | Oct 14, 2021 | Stay Grounded activities
Looking back at 5 Years of Stay Grounded Exactly five years ago, at the beginning of October 2016, ‘Stay Grounded’ was born. We organized simultaneous actions at airports around the world and in 2018, we went public as a network. A lot has happened since, and as we...
por ramin | Ene 17, 2021 | Information
10 razones por las que volar como antes del Covid es una pésima idea Information enero 17, 2021 La pandemia redució el tráfico aéreo de forma masiva en 2020, dando un breve respiro al clima. Pero si superamos el Covid el año siguiente, ¿deberíamos despegar de nuevo?...
por ramin | Ene 30, 2020 | Webinar
Aviation is deeply engrained in the lifestyle of many people in the Global North. Decades of advertising and campaigning by the industry lead to a view of flying that is connected to freedom and an open minded society. But with the rapidly escalating climate crisis...