
Regularmente organizamos eventos para que todes puedan unirse, desde seminarios web en línea sobre los temas o campañas más actuales hasta conferencias.

Casi todos los seminarios web y conferencias fueron resumidos y/o grabados y puestos a disposición en este sitio web. Muchos de ellos también tuvieron una traducción simultánea al español.

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Seminarios web

Resúmenes y grabaciones

Webinar: Is the industry greenwashing aviation?

Webinar: Is the industry greenwashing aviation?

For decades we have witnessed massive growth rates in aviation without any meaningful attempt from neither industry nor government to deal with it’s damaging climate impact. The short pause through Covid was directly followed by massive and unconditional bailouts from...

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Airport Conflicts – Struggles for Environmental Justice

Airport Conflicts – Struggles for Environmental Justice

All across the globe airport projects involve new land acquisition, the destruction of ecosystems, displacement of people and local pollution and health issues. This webinar presented the results of 300 socio-environmental conflicts related to the expansion or creation of new airports or aerotropolis that were mapped in research in collaboration between Environmental Justice Atlas and Stay Grounded.

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How to Tell Grounded Stories

How to Tell Grounded Stories

Aviation is deeply engrained in the lifestyle of many people in the Global North. Decades of advertising and campaigning by the industry lead to a view of flying that is connected to freedom and an open minded society. But with the rapidly escalating climate crisis...

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Conferencia de Acción 2022

Ver nuestros seminarios web grabados pasados

Conferencia "Decrecimiento de la Aviación" 2019

Consulta nuestras fichas informativas.